Dear Parents,
the goal of recruitment is to prepare children for the transition to the hockey base. In recruitment, we mainly teach children the basics of skating and discipline in the form of a game. This is a hockey recruitment, not a skating school.
For newcomers, recruitment is free for one month. After a month, you will pay CZK 550/month. We will also lend you equipment for the whole season for free.
A little introduction to hockey
Hockey is the fastest team game in the world. In total, more than 2 million boys and girls play hockey all over the planet.
The game is based on teamwork, discipline, and speed. Hockey is a wonderful game to "watch", but better - it is hockey to play.
Why start playing hockey?
There are many reasons:
• I will learn to skate, gain strength, endurance, speed, improve coordination.
• I will increase my self-confidence, learn to compete and learn the rules of fair play.
• I will learn to manage many other sports activities such as running, jumping, special dexterity.
• Games such as football, floorball, ice hockey and others are common sports that we pay attention to in training, thus supplementing hockey skills and developing versatility.
• But the most important thing is the fun that hockey provides.
• The skills I learn will support what I learn at home and at school.
• Team cooperation, division of tasks, mutual support, these are the qualities that I will apply in my life.
• Hockey players are friends and learn discipline and responsibility at the same time, players must cooperate and support each other.
Hockey is a safe game; youth hockey is not a professional contact sport. Young categories do not allow to play body contact; therefore, injuries occur very rarely.
The players are dressed in quality gear to protect them.
Hockey is fun for the whole family. Hockey is an experiential sport to watch and cheer on, there are many opportunities during matches to meet new friends and make new friendships. Both boys and girls play hockey.
Further information: contact – Barbora Hrůšová, phone: +420 608 966 869
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